Exposición en el Picasso
Este curso 2020-21 ha sido muy diferente, marcado por las mascarillas, por las distancias... No hemos podido hacer muchas cosas, y otras...
Magical hexagons
Would you like to learn some things about this beautiful polygon? Then watch this video!
Cortos maravillosos
Aquí tenemos una selección de cortos realizados con mucho mimo. Espero que os gusten.
The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics
Aquí tenéis una interesante animación de Chuck Jones que ganó el premio de cortos de la Academia en 1965. En esta aventura punto y línea...
First year. Review third term
This time you have to review the unit of colour, polygons, including triangle constructions seen in class and the circle. On the book you...
Pop up para el Día de la Madre
Aquí os dejo un vídeo muy sencillo para que lo podáis hacer en casa.
Describing an artwork
Here you will find a file with useful vocabulary for the Story behind the painting project.
The story behind the painting
Here you have a list of painting for the video project we will do this year after the idea of my friend and Art teacher Amaia Sans....
Endangered animals project
As I already told you here you will find the list of animals for the new project. Apart from learning and sharing important information...
Vocabulary first term
Here you will find the vocabulary you have to prepare for the exam. Remember there's another piece of vocabulary it would be useful to...