Glossary second term First Year
Here you are some materials to prepare the exam.
The dot
This is an amazing video about a boy that thought he couldn't draw... and guess what happened?
Un ejemplo del uso de distintos niveles de iconicidad en un anuncio televisivo
¿Por qué es un acierto el uso de dibujos e imagen real? ¿Cual crees que funciona mejor? ¿Qué diferencias expresivas encuentras?
Visual communication. Images.
Clic on the image and you will get the presentation we watched in the class. You will find it useful for preparing the exam. This is a...
Objective vs subjective analysis
The visual analysis of an image involves two levels: firstly, we have to describe what we see, without personal interpretations, that's...
Basic Vocabulary
If you click on the button you will download the file with the basic words you should know by now. Basic Vocabulary
Invented signs
Isn't it cool? It's an illustration created by the graphic artist Daniel Rivero using, with a sense of humor, the same idea you are going...
Colour theory basics
This is a clear video about colour. Just remeber that primary colour pigments are cyan blue, yellow and magenta -not red as it appears in...
Visual elements and principles
In this page you will find a nice way of analyzing the formal elements through works of art.
Discoverting Art
The search for meaning It is a pitty that we don't have enough time in class to talk more often about Art , with just two periods a week...