How to create successful advertisements for teenagers.

Here are presented the main strategies followed by the companies for getting inside your brain and driving your purchasing wills to their goals. If you know them it will be easier for you to get rid of them and not to fall into the trap.
You should also be aware of this: most teenagers are prone to influence and for that reason they are an impressionable target audience. Besides, young people are a good business for companies that aim to create a long term relationship of trust with their clients from such an early age.
Nowadays young people from 12 to 19 years old constitute a demographic group marked by technology. They are the digital natives that prefer to search on the internet and social networks than on the traditional media.
According to the experience of quite a few decades of effective publicity, the ads have to deal with essential aspects of adolescence, from a realistic and positive point of view, so that they generate empathy and engagement, as teenargers search to develop their identity through imitation of the brands they highly recognize themselves with.
The key is knowing what they are interested in, what motivates them and which media do they use to get informed
Big companies invest large sums of money for market research to know their needs, preferences, values and worries just to get the most from their investement that is why the ads should:
Be focused on topics they are interested in; though young people tend to refuse the concept of consumerism, they will buy anything if they feel the brand reflect their values: such as animal welfare, environmental causes or any story that shows solidarity.
Avoid stereotypes of beauty or social class creates empathy.
Avoid their intention to sell to be too obvious.
They use influencers that their target market follows to support their campaigns on social networks.
They use the media and platforms young people frequent.
They sometimes even use what you have to say using the bidirectional communication of the social networks.