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What to review for third term exam. 2nd Year

Here you will find a file about publicity and how to analyse an advert.

How to translate a three dimenisional drawing into a two dimensional one. Ilusión of space. This is a video to revise resources that can be used to create a sense of depth like:

  • Overlapping –superposición-.

  • Chiaroscuro –claroscuro-.

  • Size –tamaño-.

  • Colour: warm and saturated colours seems to be closer while distant objects look cooler and less saturated.

  • Position in the paper –something placed on top seems to be further away while something placed close to the bottom margin, seems to be closer-.

  • Things that are closer are focused –enfocadas- and distant things are blurred –borrosas-.

  • Closer areas have more details than areas that are distant.

  • And finally you can use perspective (oblique -caballera-, isometric -isométrica-, one-point perspective -perspectiva central- or even two-point perspective -perspectiva oblicua-.)

Here you have a video about oblique and isometric drawings.

Don't forget to have a look at the photocopies as well!!

There you will find vocabulary related to the topics such as: billboard (vaya publicitaria), press (prensa), newspaper (periódico), target audience (público objetivo), oblique (Perspectiva caballera), isometric (isométrica), one-point perspective (perspectiva cónica central), Mass media (medios de comunicación de masas), strategies used to influence the public: persuasion versus rhetoric (persuasión o retórica)...





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